Looking at Lifestyle

Looking at Lifestyle

By Jason Bass

I am going to try something new today. I am going to fill all of you in on some things that I find cool or interesting in my daily browsing of the web.

The first item is that Mel Gibson is back and it looks fairly good even if it is a little like The Patriot in modern day times. Check out the trailer below.

LOL of the Day!

The next item is the LOL of the day. This sums up Titanic in a mere 5 seconds.

Captain America

The rumor mill is buzzing with who will be the next Captain America even though the movie is not due out for a couple of years. Check out Cinescape for some of the prospects.

Where the Wild Things Are

So the reviews and the box office are in and this thing is a hit. The movie looks kind of creepy to me in a very weird way not like a scary way. I have not seen it but I was wondering if any of you all have. If so let me know what you think in the comments.


Robert Deniro and Jude Law in Thor????? People don't really seem to know what parts they will play but none the less seems like some odd casting. Go here for more.

Paranormal Activity

This movie looks awesome to me but I doubt I will ever convince my wife to see it. Has anyone out there seen it yet? If you have not heard about it check out the trailer below. It was apparently made on like an $11,000 budget yet they're taking in millions from limited promotion and screening.

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