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CompLexity's own Ryan "coL.Ryan" Rushia has been selected as the featured player in ESFI's inaugural "meet the player" series, where fans are given a complete breakdown of their favorite player, from where they live, what they do for fun, and favorite in-game moments that they've experienced.
Pre-Match Feeling: Funny enough, I typically make false "bets" against my opponent as a pre-match ritual. ex "5$ I lose." Doing stuff like this makes me feel like I'm always the underdog, and therefore have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Most people view it as pessimistic when they don't know the thinking behind it, but it makes winning feel so much better for me.
Greatest E-sports Moment: Winning the Infernal Cry Season 6 Championship with my American Warcraft III team "Knights of Cydonia." It was an amazing group of very close friends of mine that were able to win a prestigious American Warcraft III league in our first season together, and was very exciting to be involved in it.
Most Painful Moment: Not getting nearly as far in either of the 2010 MLG events for Starcraft II that I would have liked to. It's painful because I felt that I was quite well prepared for it in terms of game preparation, but not at all for the mentality of going to a large event. It was my first two major offline tournaments, and I had extreme jitters and nervous energy, which caused me to play poorer than I normally would have, and watching the replays after was very upsetting.
Funny E-sports Memory: Hanging out at MLG DC and Dallas with AskJoshy and VTSpades. They must be two of the funniest people I've ever met, we had a blast at both events.
For the full Meet: Ryan "Ryan" Rushia article, click here