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Full Name: Jeff Mettetal
Age: 22
Hometown: Medina, Ohio
In-Game Role: Rifler
Favorite Weapon: AWP/AK
Headset: Creative
Mouse: 3.0SE
Mousepad: PureTrak Talent
Config: Download Here!
No idea. :)
First of all welcome to the compLexity family! How does it feel to be a part of the best organization in North America?
Thanks! It feels great to finally be apart of something like compLexity. I hope that we can keep this great relationship for years to come!
Your roster was recognized as the best in the USA, but for those in the coL community that may not know who hero is, tell us about yourself.
I would say not many people know who I am, not just the coL community. I've been playing CS since about 5 months after 1.6 came out. I knew a friend that was playing CS and I tried it and instantly got addicted. Shortly after that I joined Team-iNs that was a CAL-im team. I jumped around some CAL-im teams until I came upon savi0r and sfX. I made team MindScape and won my first LAN while I was still CAL-im. It was a w2z tournament. We beat
Outside of gaming, what kind of things do you enjoy?
I enjoy playing basketball, going to the movies, hanging out with friends. The usual.
Speaking to some of the team, they have called you the sugar daddy because you wake up in the morning to work. What is your occupation?
LOL, Sugar daddy. Cute :) I work for Phoenix International, which is a Freight Forwarding company. I am the Domestic Forwarding Manager for the west coast, even though I'm on the east coast. That basically means that I deal with over the road 53' trucks that come out of LA. I tell them what shipments they are picking up and where they are going. Usually it goes from LA- to; Charlotte, NC - ST.Louis, MO - Kansas City, MO and Cleveland, OH. Since I work with the west coast, I don't have to be into work until 10:30AM which helps out my gaming.
When the x3o team was announced as the new coL.cs, it was also stated that all of you lived in the same house. How has the transition to living together helped your team progress and develop necessary skills to take care of problems such as "THE MOTH" ;)?
First of all, I lived with Derek before he even joined x3o. Living together is awesome, we are all really good friends outside of the game. It's cool to be able to talk about the problems that happened in a scrim or match face to face rather then over ventrilo. About the moth...THAT THING WAS HUGE! :(
To further getting to know you and your team, share with us a funny story about either yourself of one of your teammates.
I suppose I will explain the moth story. We were in a match vs 51gaming on de_dust2. It was right after pistol round when David saw a huge moth flying above mine/his head. All of the lights were off so of course the moth was attracted to light...being the only light near him, he decided to fly towards my face and then proceed to land on my monitor. This is definitely the biggest moth I have ever seen. I was playing with a blanket on my lap because it was about 15 degrees in our house. Once the moth landed on my monitor I then threw my blanket over the monitor and got out of my chair. Mind you that the round is still going live, it was the round after pistol round so 51gaming was ECOed. Ryan and Derek killed all 5 by themselves while David, Drew, and I ran around our living room killing a harmless moth. And yes, that was me that screamed. :)It has almost been a week since you and your boys joined up with coL. What have you noticed so far about the compLexity community and its fan base that may differ from x3o?
The coL fans are insane....always there to give us props and back us up in every situation. They are amazingly loyal and I love it
Many CS players have called WoW players button bashers as it seems like thats all they are doing. After your team watched the WoW team at MLG Columbus, do you have a new appreciation for those gamers?
Well, I might be different in this situation. At one point, I actually quit CS for WoW. I didn't play PvP though, I just raided with a bunch of friends. I've always liked watching PvP WoW tournaments, lots of skilled involved. The only game that I really don't understand is GoW. There's no real goal, just kill everything. I guess that's cool though ^_^
The American community has been talking about a possible rivalry between the new roster and EG. Do you see them or any other American team as a threat in representing the USA on an international level?
Of course I see them as a threat. I don't like to take any team too lightly, that's when mistakes happen. I would hope to see us represent the USA for the next international tournaments, thats for sure ;)
Thanks for your time Jeff! To wrap things up, is there anything else you'd like to say to the compLexity fans or haters? Shout outs?
I'd like to give a shout out to all of the coL fans. Keep up the support!