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Once again another year has come and gone. As usual, it was a year of ups and downs. Our gamers traveled the world representing compLexity's loyal fan base, and our loyal sponsors contributed to providing some of the best giveaways in e-Sports.
We'd like to take a quick moment to thank our gamers, sponsors and most importantly- you. Thanks for sticking by the compLexity family through thick and thin for over 12 years now. We sincerely appreciate you stopping by the site and cheering for our gamers. The times may have changed but compLexity is still here and more eager than ever to provide you with the best experience in professional gaming. Our organization isn't the richest nor the biggest but we are one thing: the most passionate about gaming. We are confident 2016 holds big things and plenty of action across all games, old and new.
Thanks very much for your support. We really do appreciate it.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
The compLexity Family