Mousepad Contest Winners!

When we previously announced our partnership with PureTrak as our official mousepad, we also announced that we would be holding a contest for a mousepad design also. Today we are announcing the winners. Below are the prizes for first and second place as a reminder.


1st - Will receive one of the first Complexity mousepads. In addition to that they will also receive one of all of the PureTrak product line. These include the PureTrak Classic, PureTrak Deluxe, PureTrack Stealth, PureTrak Talent.

2nd - Will receive one of the first official Complexity mousepads

(Complexity sincerely hopes we find the design we are looking for from this contest but we can not guarantee we will use the winning design. A winner will be selected either way and will receive the prize package but the possibility remains that Complexity may use a design of our choosing outside of the scope of this contest.)


1st - AlbeL

2nd - santosXd

Contrats to our winners!

About PureTrak

PureTrak was founded in 2007 by industry professionals, and of course gamers, who recognize the importance of having an accurate and quality mouse surface. PureTrak's top priority is to provide, discover, and develop new optical and laser peripherals that help enhance the user’s ability to perform their tasks with better precision, eliminating any flaws. PureTrak has risen to the top with their signature mouse pad lineup that has created plenty of buzz in the gaming community.

About Complexity Gaming

Complexity Gaming® is the premiere competitive gaming brand in North America. Owned and operated by some of the finest minds in the industry, Complexity has a long heritage of championship caliber teams, news reporting and gaming entertainment ventures. The recent acquisition of has made Complexity a premier destination for media content in the gaming sector.

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