MTW Loses AMD Sponsorship

The news has recentely broke that MTW has lost their primary sponsor, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) due to the economic climate at this time. It's never a good day when a large sponsor pulls out, and this is sure to have an impact on not only other organizations, but the fans as well. Lars Eiben had this to say:

Our partnership with AMD was canceled by AMD on December 31, 2008. We were informed in time and thus we had the chance to start looking for other opportunities. AMD canceled their arrangement with mTw due to the economical situations, which as we all know is in a decline. We won’t be the only ones who are affected by AMD’s decision to cutback in eSports. I really regret this step by AMD, as we actually expected a long-term partnership with the company. Nevertheless, thanks to support from our remaining partners and the good work of our management, mTw will be well-prepared for 2009. We will try to continue our success in the future.

For more information, visit the MyMTW site by clicking here

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