← Back to GuidesDisclaimer: This guide assumes you know and understand how to defeat the heroic encounter, and as such will not be talking about basics of the boss itself. This is intended to teach you the differences between heroic and Mythic, and how to defeat the Mythic version. If you need a refresher on the basics of the encounter, please visit our heroic guide.
Mythic Changes
Shatter causes the piece of armor that fell off, to duplicate specific casts the rest of the encounter
80% = Helm
The helm will float around the room, and duplicate Suffering
Every time the boss casts Suffering from this point, the Helm will target whoever is closest, and cast a second Suffering
While this can be dangerous, it can also be useful to aim & pop extra Orbs of Torment
60% = Gauntlet
Duplicates Grasp of Malice
Shoots a fourth line every time Grasp of Malice occurs, aimed in a random direction
Need to keep a close eye on where the floating Gauntlet is, as the extra line reduces how much safe space you have
30% = Rattlecage (chest)
Duplicates Malevolence
Puts a third Malevolence orb on top of the floating chestpiece
Cannot dispel this, it just explodes & knocks back after 21 seconds
Have to pre-position this using timers, stand as close to the chestpiece as possible, with your back towards the largest section of the room available
Orbs of torment come out in pairs of 2, and their random AoE damage is increased substantially
These actually become the largest source of raid damage for the encounter, so falling behind on orbs can easily wipe you
Comp - 2 tanks, 5 healers, 13 DPS
Early on, the fight starts the same as heroic
Changes start when he hits 80%, and the first Shatter occurs
Basic things stay the same - don’t get hit by swirlies, don’t get hit by Grasp of Malice, don’t die to Suffering, etc
However, we do recommend one relatively major change - how you handle Malevolence
Instead of dispelling one at a time, bouncing all over the place then recovering and repeating, we instead recommend dispelling BOTH at the same time with Mass Dispel
Have both players with Malevolence basically stack together near the edge of the room
Each MUST have their back facing towards the middle of the platform
The rest of the raid must still move towards the Malevolence players
Once everyone is in position, have a priest Mass Dispel, which’ll remove both debuffs at the same time
This’ll actually just cause the knockbacks to happen simultaneously, as if only one was dispelled
By doing this, you’ll only get knocked back that once, and have full control over timing and location
The damage from this does hurt a fair amount, so you’ll want to pop a raid CD to keep everyone stable
A note here - the further outside player does NOT always get knocked towards the middle, and sometimes instead gets knocked outwards off the edge
To combat this, always make sure of the debuffed players, the outside person has some type of displacement ability
After the 80%, you’ll want to carefully position whichever tank isn’t holding the boss, to be closest to the Helm right before Suffering
This’ll help ensure that tank is the one targeted, allowing you to aim the lazer at will
If there’s no extra Orbs of Torment you need to zap, shoot the lazer off to the side away from the raid
If there ARE Orbs that the primary lazer from the boss won’t hit, try to position yourself to shoot it
The rest of the raid needs to keep a close eye on where the Suffering lazers are aiming - do not get yourself hit
To that end, we recommend putting raid markers on your tanks so the rest of the raid can more easily identify where the lazers are going
This’ll be a recurring thing the rest of the fight - make sure to pay attention
At 60%, the Gauntlet breaks off. From this point on, whenever Grasp of Malice is cast, you’ll get a fourth line on the ground, but decentralized
The Gauntlet just floats around, so this extra line can come from anywhere and face anywhere
Just need to pay attention
We’ve included two examples of how the Gauntlet’s extra line interacts below:
From here, you’re playing rinse and repeat until the 30% Shatter
Run Malevolence out together, Mass Dispel when called
Dodge swirlies
Dodge Grasp of Malice
Don’t get hit by Suffering
An absolutely vital part of your success here is handling the Orbs of Torment
Remember, these put out debuffs on the raid.
On Mythic, this ticks for 8700 damage every 3 seconds, lasts 12 seconds
3 debuffs go out at a time, per orb
Each orb sends new debuffs every 6 seconds
There’s also a 6 second waiting period before the first debuffs
Because of how quickly these go out, and how much damage the debuffs do, ensuring you properly hit the Orbs with Suffering, then kill them ASAP, is paramount to your success on this boss
If you miss orbs, and end up with 4 up at the same time, you’re all but certain to die
And don’t forget, even AFTER you kill the orb, it’ll keep casting Torment until you yeet it off the side
Make sure to communicate as a raid when you’re going to throw an orb off, vs when Malevolence is about to be dispelled. You don’t wanna get knocked off the edge accidentally
Once you reach 30%, pop Bloodlust immediately
Dodge the swirlies from Shatter. You’ll have 3 waves of them come out here, covering most of the room. Watch your feet
By this point in the fight, the Aura of Spite is also ticking hard as hell.
You’ll want to use DR healer CDs whenever Malevolence is about to be dispelled, as the damage from that plus Aura of Spite can easily kill people
Watch your timers. When the extra Malevolence has ~3s left before exploding, position yourself underneath it so you can control where you’ll be knocked back
Once lust falls off, don’t be afraid to pop healer throughput CDs as needed here, keep the raid stable
Dodge the swirlies that keep coming out, dodge the Grasp of Malice, don’t get lazered, and go collect your purples