n0thing Interviewed

Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert who is well known as one of North America's premiere Counter-Strike 1.6 player has been interviewed by WinOut. The Californian is well known from his WCG gold medal at the Pan-Am games in 2008 as well as a 3rd at Extreme Masters III and also his movie "n0thing but headshots".

The Frag Dominant team which beat you at the kode5 qualifier had 4 of the same players as the line-up you played with at the same qualifier in 2008. Were you surprised that team gelled so quickly for that event? How did your team go from being in the driver's seat up 12-3 to being completely dominated on the CT side and unable to hold the catwalk area?

Jordan "n0thing" Gilbert: Well like you said it was pretty much the same line-up as the previous kode5 with quas in for me. And quas having played with them for months prior to their latest roster change before that event made it pretty easy for them to already be on a pretty similar page. Yeah that loss was pretty dissapointing. As we showed first half it's pretty easy to dominate T side on de_dust2 if you can get a good flow on the other team and just work it the whole half. When we switched over to CT we planned on getting 4 rounds some way or another, even though we knew our CT wasn't that strong, we weren't thinking about that at the time obviously. After going down about 6-0 we basically fell apart at A and they did the same strat about 8 gun rounds in a row and we became POD bots for them to kill.

Read the Full Interview here: WinOut
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