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Nation Voice Communications, LLC is proud to announce a NEW Holiday Promotion going on RIGHT NOW for a limited time only!
Starting Tuesday December 22nd 2009, running through December 31st 2009, sign-up for a Nation Voice 15 User Monthly Plan for only ONE DOLLAR!
That’s right! Simply visit and place your order for a Nation Voice 15 User Monthly Plan and save $4.99 off your first month of service!
That’s a 15 User High Quality Ventrilo Server for just a BUCK!
Simply enter coupon code, HOLIDAY upon checkout!
As you start to enjoy the Nation Voice experience, feel free to contact our Support Department via our Award Winning Customer Control Center if you have any questions or comments! Simply Login at our website and choose Customer Service! We have Support Technicians available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year!
We also have a fantastic Help Center library where you will find a ton of helpful Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) as well as over 25 Highly Rated Video Tutorials to help you get situated. We understand setting up a Ventrilo Server for the first time may be confusing, and we are here for you in many different ways!
We know you will enjoy the Nation Voice experience and if you would like to continue to be a customer simply keep your account in the active status and only pay $5.99 a month thereafter!
As always there are NO contracts, NO hidden fees and you may cancel at any time. If you do decide to terminate your account simply do so before your next re-occurring charge date and you won’t be billed again.
This promotion is only available to new customers, on the 15 user plan monthly so hurry in for your discounted ventrilo server today!
Once again Thank You for your interest in Nation Voice
Stay tuned to our website for the latest Specials or Promotions and have a wonderful day!
Happy Holidays! Staff
The Worldwide Leader in Ventrilo Hosting Services
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