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The Syndicate is happy to announce our newest coL Community project: NationVoice Match Nights.
This idea was actually created by hardcore coL fans. Each night a group of them would join our NationVoice public ventrilo to watch coL.cs matches together. Everyone was having such a great time we decided to invite the entire community: 1337
Don't watch the matches alone! Each match night hop in the public NationVoice vent and cheer on the team with your friends. For some matches coL management will be joining, and hey- a night with JaX is always a night remembered.
Also, from time to time we'll be giving away NationVoice servers to sweeten the pot, so don't miss out. Join the best gaming community in eSports and be a part of the action!
NationVoice Match Nights start THIS Sunday so stay tuned!
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