NationVoice Twitter Giveaways

The Syndicate and NationVoice, our loyal long time ventrilo partner, are excited to announce the next NationVoice contest: NATIONVOICE TWITTER GIVEAWAYS!

Every week in the month of June we will be sending out a secret "code word" via our compLexityLive Twitter. The first person to post that code word in this thread will win!

The prize? A 15 user ventrilo for 3 months- more than enough to get your team through the summer season!

The bonus? Each winner can choose a member of the new coL.cs to join his or her team in the ventrilo for a one time 30 minute lesson. It can be an individual lesson or a team/group lesson. Have a coL star spectate your team scrim and offer advice! Get AWP lessons or strats from our pro players!

Thanks to NationVoice for its continued support of the coL Community. When you need a ventrilo, support the company that supports you!

Don't forget that we have NationVoice Match Nights during each match- join the party and cheer for your favorite compLexity stars!

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