North American Female League

The North American Female League was founded in Fall of 2008 by a group of female gamers who wanted to turn a idea into a reality. The North American Female League (NAFL) was created for all female teams who want to play in a friendly environment while promoting female gaming and dreams of building the female gaming community.

Statement from Anita "aNi-" Lok, Vice President of NAFL:

NAFL is the North American Female League, designed to help promote the idea of female gaming in which all female gamers and their teams get to compete against each other. The league was inspired by FeminaUnited which holds female cups and ladders as well as leagues for the European Female Gaming community. Marianne "iNfusioN3" Ruiz and I thought that north america needs something similar to that to strengthen the female community and also encourage them to compete. With the downfall of ESWC, which gave female gamers a chance to compete at LAN we feel that it's the best time for us to step up and put together a league which would give female teams something to do and something to look forward to in regards to all female gaming.

We started this idea with only two people and we were fortunate that some sponsors were interested in our idea and helped us with whatever they could. At first we thought that there wouldnt be enough girl teams to compete in this league, however we continued to pursue our idea. Now we have about 12 girl teams that are competiting excluding those who havent gotten a full roster yet. The gaming community is dominated by males so we have encountered many criticisms and flaming for starting a Female Only League. There will always be people like that, but that wont stop us from giving female gamers a chance to feel like they have something to look forward to.

We here at compLexityGaming wish the North American Female League all the best.

The NAFL website can be found HERE.

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