OCZ $2500 TF2 Open Tournament

CEVO has released the OCZ $2500 TF2 Open Tournament schedule, map rotation and group brackets. This tournament starts off this upcoming Monday and the first round matches are scheduled to play on May 11th, 2009. The OCZ $2500 Open Team Fortress 2 Tournament is part of a series of many mini-events that CEVO have planned to run throughout 2009 in addition to regular CEVO seasonal events. Our very own compLexity Team Fortress 2 squad will be particiapting in this tournament. The official press release is below.

Welcome to the OCZ $2500 Open Team Fortress 2 Tournament

On behalf of everyone here at CEVO, I'd like to welcome you to the OCZ $2500 Open Team Fortress 2 Tournament. First round matches will now be played on Monday, May 11th. As mentioned in an earlier news post this tournament is part of a series of many mini-events that we have planned to run throughout 2009 in addition to our regular seasonal events. We hope you and your team will participate and enjoy these mini-events and we look forward to your feedback.

If you are new to CEVO you will need to download and install the CMN3. You must be running the CMN3 during all matches. You can download the CMN3 here: http://cevo.com/index.php?page=account&func=cmn.

There have been a few small changes from our last TF2 event, so please read this post carefully and review the rules section, to be sure that you are up to date. The newest versions of follower, freight and yukon will be uploaded to the files sections as soon as they are released.

Map Rotation & Brackets:

Round 1 - cp_well
Round 2 - cp_follower
Round 3 - cp_badlands
Round 4 - cp_granary
Round 5 - cp_gravelpit
Round 6 - cp_yukon
Round 7 - cp_freight
Round 8 - cp_badlands
Round 9 - cp_granary
Round 10 - Best of Three

Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

Grand Finals:

NOTE: Teams will be split up into 32 team brackets with the top team from each bracket advancing into the double elimination grand finals. Brackets will be sorted by conference to the best of our ability, and seedings will be random.

Roster Locks:

Rosters will remain open all throughout the registration period until the date of the first match on Monday, May 11th. After the tournament begins, rosters will be permanently closed.

Remember, team registration has closed, but if you have six (6) @ready and need to be moved into a bracket, email easchow@cevo.com by Thursday, May 7th.

Updated Server Configs:

The CEVO TF2 server configs have been updated recently. Most of the changes had to do with cleaning up old commands that were no longer in use and updating current ones. All teams are responsible for having the latest configs on their servers. You can find the updated configs by clicking here.

CEVO Support:

For any help, questions or assistance please contact CEVO Support. We are available at http://support.cevo.com and on Ventrilo at texas.cevo.nationvoice.com port 4000.

We’re looking forward to another exciting tournament and we wish everyone competing the best of luck. Remember to check our website regularly for current registration and event updates.


CEVO would like to thank Layered Technologies (enterprise server solutions), NationVoice Communications (top quality ventrilo servers and service), and NuclearFallout Enterprises, Inc. (premium competition game servers) for their support of CEVO TF2.

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