Over 1 Billion Halo 3 Matches

Recently the Halo 3 producer Bungie, has announced that on March 2nd, 2009, the 1,000,000,000th match of Halo 3 was played. Thats a pretty big number to put into context, but as Bungie states, Halo 2 has yet to even reach that 1 billion mark. Here are some little stats to put it into context of how large that number really is.

If each game of Halo 3 lasted only three minutes and nineteen seconds, mirroring the Infection game outlined above, the total amount of time played would eclipse sixty-three centuries. For those looking for more granularity, that's roughly 630 decades, 6,300 years, or 2,300,000 days.

But admittedly, that's working from a pretty rough estimate. No worries, we keep tabs on this sort of stuff. We recruited our database guru, RocketMoose, to provide us with some more accurate numbers. The data point he supplies below is a sum total of all player time spent in matchmaking. If ten players completed a ten minute match, the database would log 100 minutes of total playtime. This figure also does not include data from Custom or Offline matches.

Total Matchmaking Playtime: 2,023,153,340,764 seconds.

Yes, that's two Trillion seconds, or 64,109 years of playtime.

64,000 years ago:

- Neanderthal walked the Earth.
- Modern Man had yet to set foot in Asia.
- The Battle Rifle was Hitscan.

"One BILLION Served" at Bungie.net

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