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The match versus eMg did not have a scorebot or an HLTV, but resulted in a score of 16-5. Stay tuned for post-game comments from one of the coL.cs players!
The match versus Blight started slow for coL.cs. Blight was able to pick up the first three rounds which put coL in catch up mode on the Counter-Terrorist side of de_nuke. coL fought back to bring the score back even before the teams started to trade rounds back and forth. coL started to pull away once Blight hit 5 rounds and took the rest of the CT half. The half ended 10-5 in favor of coL.
The second half started with Blight again taking the first 3 rounds before coL kicked it into gear. These were the only three rounds that blight was able to pick up. The remainder of the half was all in compLexity's favor which even features a knife from NineSpot. The match ended 16-8 for compLexity. GG to Blight!
Coming soon!
With it being LAN season for our Counter-Strike team, there are a few matches the team has to make up for their online season of CEVO-P. The team is currently in Dallas, Texas for the ESEA-I LAN Playoffs, but will be playing three matches this afternoon to help make up their CEVO schedule. The three matches will feature coL.cs against Back2Back, eMg, and Blight's American roster. All three teams will also be at the ESEA-I LAN Playoffs this weekend, it will give us a little preview to the action to come.
The first match against Back2Back will be a rematch from this past weekend where the two teams met at the WCG Quiver Shootout. The match resulted in a 16-6 win for compLexity on de_inferno. The difference when coL.cs meets Back2Back this time will be the map: de_train. Train is said to be one of coL's worst maps, even though it didn't show with a 16-3 victory over EG, and a 16-10 victory over Gravitas at WCG Quiver. Back2Back is still a strong team that should not be underestimated even with such results. Be sure to check in for spectator information and a scorebot in #compLexity for this match.
The eMg match will also be featured on de_train. The last time these two teams met was back during the first week of the ESEA-I season on de_nuke. The win was in compLexity's favor 16-9. There is no doubt that both teams have progressed greatly as that match was back in May. coL's de_train as I said above has been considered to be their worst, but again it hasn't really shown. eMg has already played their first CEVO match against grid05 which featured a 16-9 win on train. The match had a strong first half for eMg that sported a 12-3 score, and it should be interesting to see how either team starts the match. Pistol rounds could mean everything for either team to get an early money advantage. Stay tuned to #compLexity for updates.
Versus Blight.usa, coL will be playing on de_nuke. During the WCG Quiver, the two teams didn't have a chance to face off during the whole event. The last time these two have met was the first match of ESEA-I which was also played on de_nuke. The match was surprisingly a close one with a 16-13 score. Again, since May, both teams have seen much improvement and changes with coL adding evolution to their roster.
coL.cs leader Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman has provided us with a comment about the matches.
We're really excited about playing this CEVO matches from LAN because not only are LAN matches much more fun than online matches, but this will also give us a nice chance to warm-up at LG before the ESEA-i Finals. We also are going to be doing our best to win these matches to make sure we get off to a good start in this new CEVO Season.
The triple threat action will all start this afternoon. Be sure to stop by #compLexity in IRC before the matches and join in the Ventrilo party at the compLexity Public Ventrilo! You can grab the information to the server below.
Port: 1337