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Tonight's match started off on the CT side for compLexity. After dropping the first 4 rounds, coL fought back to bring the match back even with 00. With the score 5-4 in coL's favor, it seemed like the boys had gained momentum to carry them to finish out the half. At this point the teams started to trade rounds back and forth. The half ended 7-8 in favor of 00. The second half was dominated by 00 as compLexity was only able to get 3 rounds mid half before 00 sealed the deal. The match ended 16-10 for 00. Good game to them.
Match will indeed be TONIGHT at 10PM EST.
Match has been rescheduled. Date and time will be announced soon.
Tonight the undefeated compLexity takes on 00 (7-1). This is the first match of ESEA-I week 5 on nuke for these teams. 00 has been very strong and looks to be one of coL's toughest opponents so this season. The last match coL played vs Area51 was a stomping as the match resulted in a 16-3 win for compLexity. 00 has been cruising through ESEA-I with the exception of an upset loss to Ruins. These two titans will make a great match-up and we will surely see a great match tonight. The match will start at 10PM EST and scorebot information along with spectator information will be here and in #compLexity. Stay tuned!