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coL.cs was finally able to score their 4th victory of the season tonight as they took on Blight. coL got off to a good start, taking pistol and the subsequent rounds, but Blight kept fighting back. Both teams traded rounds, ending the half at 8-7 in favor of compLexity. In the second half, coL took control back, only allowing Blight to grab 1 before finishing it off with a score of 16-8. Good game to both teams!
Update: coL.cs will be using Mehler as a ringer for tonight's match as Hero is unable to play.
coL.cs looks to shake off their losing streak as they take on a Blight team that is also struggling. coL.cs comes into this match with a 3-5 record, on a 3 game losing streak. Blight comes into the match at 4-5 on a 4 game losing streak after starting the season 4-1. The two teams will square off on de_dust2 and is scheduled to take place at 11PM EST. Coverage information will be provided 15 minutes before the match is set to begin.