PG2: coL.cs vs Frag Dominant


coL.cs started out the match by taking the pistol round on CT. This resulted in the next two rounds going to coL, then FD had a chance to respond. Rounds were traded and the half ended 8-7 in favor of Frag Dominant. Heading into Terrorist, coL was going to need to fight hard to keep up with FD. The opposition took the first few rounds before coL got to gain a few. The half ended 8-3 in favor of FD which resulted in a final score of FD 16, coL 10. Good game to Frag Dominant.


Tonight compLexity.cs is in action against Frag Dominant during Week 2 ESEA-I action. compLexity hasn't been able to catch a break so far in the season, sitting at 0-3, they are looking for a win. Frag Dominant is considered to be one of the tougher teams in the league so it should be interesting to see how coL does against them. Spectator information will be provided about 15 minutes before match time: 10PM EST. Scorebot will be in #compLexity along with up to the minute spectator information. Stay tuned!

Scorebot: #compLexity
compLexiTV Live Stream: HERE!

  • 7
  • 3
  • 0
  • 10
Frag Dominant
  • 8
  • 8
  • 0
  • 16

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