PG2: coL.cs vs GG No Re


The first half coL got off to a bad start on the CT side of dust2. They lost 12 straight rounds before putting themselves on the scoreboard. coL finished the first half 13-2 in favor of GGNR. The second half coL was out for redemption as they started a comeback and brought the score to 13-11. Before coL could get too close to winning, GGNR sealed the deal and won the match 16-11. Good game to GG No Re.


Tonight compLexity takes on GG No Re for week 5.1 of the ESEA Invite league. Both teams currently are sitting at 3-5 and haven't had great starts to the season. coL is bootcamping this week for KODE5 so the match will be good practice before the event this weekend. The match is set to be played on de_dust2 and is set to go live around 11PM EST. We will have a scorebot in #compLexity along with spectator information once it becomes available.

Scorebot: #compLexity

  • 2
  • 9
  • 0
  • 11
  • 13
  • 3
  • 0
  • 16
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