PG2: coL.cs vs Pandemic


Tonight coL got off to a slow start on the T side on nuke. After starting off 2-6, the team fought back to kill of Pandemic's momentum. The half ended with a score of 8-7. coL carried the momentum from the first half into the second as they eyed the "W". Pandemic was only able to pick up a few rounds before coL closed out the match 16-10. Good game to Pandemic.

Match Recording


Tonight coL.cs takes on Pandemic for week 6 of ESEA-I. Tonight's map is de_nuke. We last saw this match-up at the KODE5 USA Finals on the same map where coL was the victor with a score of 16-12. coL looks to take some of the confidence gained from the event and carry it into their league play as they finish out the final weeks of ESEA-I. Match time is 11:00PM EST. Scorebot and spectator information will be in #compLexity prior to the match time. Stay tuned!

Scorebot: #compLexity
Live Stream: compLexiTV

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