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During the first match of the best-of-three, the scores were pretty even at half time. eafra missed some breakaways and open net shots due to the difference in pings between USA and Romania. First match concluded in Jonnie's favor, 2-1. The second game was a different story as eafra netted three goals during the first half. He held on and secured the win with a scoreless second half. The third match, Jonnie got payback and the score was 1-2 before the second half. Eafra had trouble defending against Jonnie, and the match ended 1-4 in Jonnie's favor. Eafra lost the best-of-three 1-2, but will still have a great chance to the knockout stage. Good game to neXt`Jonnie.
Today, coL.FIFA is in action with eafra vs neXt`Jonnie for the ESL Winter League. Jonnie is from Romania so the ping difference coming into this match will play a part in the outcome. Eafra is currently 2-0 in group play and will be advancing to the knockout games regardless of today's outcome. Jonnie is the teammate of the 2008 WCG champion so expect it to be a very interesting match that could go either way. The match is set to start at 2PM EST. Stay tuned for coverage of the match!