PG2: coL.TF2 Over Pandemic for Upper Finals


Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad went against the number 1 team in CEVO-P, Team Pandemic. During the first half coL got the first point in game. Shortly after, Pandemic came back capping all points and forcing coL back to their spawn. coL had good defense on the second round but Pandemic was able to cap coL's last point. Pandemic picked up their first point in the game. During the third round, compLexity came back into the game by pushing Pandemic back to their spawn. A few back caps where made from Pandemic. compLexity rushed and picked up an additional point in the game. As soon as the fourth round started, coL once again pushed Pandemic back to their spawn point. Shortly after, Pandemic turned the tables and forced coL back to their spawn point instead. The Pandemic squad ubered up and rushed coL picking up another point. The score is currently 2-2. Fifth round starts up and coL rushed Pandemic once again. While all of the other coL members were killed by Pandemic coL.REP comes in and caps Pandemic's last point, giving coL three points in the game. Sixth round underway and compLexity once again pushes Pandemic to their spawn picking up another point in the game. The score in the first half was 4-2 in favor of coL.

As the second half started, coL once again pushed Pandemic back to their spawn point. compLexity picked up the last point they needed to end the game 5-2 in favor of coL. Good game to Pandemic.


Tonight the compLexity TF2 will take on team Pandemic in round 3 of the CEVO-P Playoffs on map cp_bandlands. Team Pandemic is currently #1 in CEVO-P with a record of 16-2-0 while compLexity is ranked #2 and has a record of 14-4-0. This match will determine the winner of the uppper bracket double elimination and will advance to round 6 on April 9th which will be determined on a bo3(best out of three) and a new champion will be announced. The last time the compLeixty Squad went against team pandemic was back in week 1-1 on cp_badlands in which coL won 5-4. In addition, coL also won week 1-2 against Dignitas 5-0 on cp_badlands as well. Cp_badlands is a strong map for the compLexity TF2 squad but tonight the team will have to work harder than they have ever done before throughout Seaon 3 to win tonights match. The match time is 10:30 PM EST. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!

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