coL.TF2 and dynamic were back and forth for the entire first half. Constantly trading kills and rounds. The half scored ended at 2-2. The start of the second made it look like the SRCTV was just rewound and replayed. coL was able to grab the first round, but dynamic was fighting and took the second. Just like we saw in the 1st, coL came back and secured another round to make the score 4-3. coL came out real strong in the next round and shut the door; winning the match 5-3. GG's to both teams!
Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad takes on dynamic in week 6:1 on cp_badlands. The last time these two squads faced each other dynamic came out on top, with a score of 5-3. coL is sitting in fourth place right now, but is on a three game losing streak. As for dynamic they started the season 0-6, but have since turned up the heat and are on a three gaming winning streak.


Map: cp_badlands
Scorebot: #compLexity
Demo: Download