PG2: coL.TF2 vs. iDemise


Tonight, compLexity went against iDemise on cp_granary. coL.tf2 came into this match with no worries as they were successful last week in a double header against Team Dynamic and Sure Shot winning both matches. compLexity got the first cap during the first half and scored 3 points while iDemise only scored 2 points during the first half. First half was 3-2 in favor of coL. iDemise capped the first point during the second half as they came back into the game tying the game up 4-4. During the second half, control points were being taken over rapidly. iDemise was close to ending the game on their behalf but compLexity rushed in taking over the middle control point and capping the last two control points to end the game 5-4. Good game to iDemise.


Tonight, the compLexity Team Fortress 2 squad goes against iDemise on cp_granary. Last week, compLexity had a double header against Team Sure Shot and Team Dynamic. The TF2 squad came into the match with no worries as they rolled both teams that night. coL.TF2 is currently 5-1 in CEVO season 3. iDemise is walking into this match with a loss against Sway Gaming 5-1 as their current standing in CEVO season 3 is 3-1. The match time is still to be determined. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked!

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