PG2: coL.TF2 vs Pulse Gaming


Tonight, compLexity.TF2 took on No Pulse Gaming on cp_granary in the new ESEA league. During the first half, compLexity almost had the first point coming into the match but in a sneaky attempt, No Pulse Gaming back capped and took over the middle control point in order to stop compLexity from getting the first point in the game. After control points being taken over-and-over again by both teams compLexity pulled off scoring 3 points in the first half while Pulse Gaming only scored 1 point. First half was 3-1 in favor of coL. During the second half, Pulse Gaming got the first point. After many point being capped, compLexity scored an additional two points in order to end the game 5-2 in favor of coL. What an amazing match it was tonight for TF2! Good game to No Pulse Gaming!


Tonight compLexity's Team Fortress 2 squad is in action for the new ESEA league. They will be taking on No Pulse Gaming on cp_granary. coL has been on fire with a long winning streak and looks to carry that fire over to this new league. granary has been one of coL's weaker maps, but think they wont come out swinging. The match is scheduled for 10:30PM EST and all spectator information can be found here and in #compLexity. Stay tuned for coverage on the match!


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Pulse Gaming
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