PG2: coL.TF2 vs Sway Gaming


Tonight the compLexity tf2 squad went against Sway Gaming on cp_well. During the fist half Sway Gaming played both offense and defense very well. compLexity did get some back caps but Sway Gaming quickly came back picking up those cp and takin over compLexity's main point. First half ended 3-2 in favor of Sway. During the second half Sway Gaming pushed compLexity back to their spawn. Sway decided to play it slow and make coL defend their last control point for quite some times. Eventually Sway rushed and capped the last cp as Sway Gaming picked up the first point in the second half. As the next round started, the tables where turned as coL pushed Sway back to their spawn. Reptile some how managed to get passed Sway Gaming by taking a different route to their last cp and winning the round for compLexity. Sway Gaming fired back quickly by once again pushing coL back to their spawn and picking up another point ending the game 5-3 in favor of Sway Gaming. Good game Sway Gaming.


The compLexity Team Fortress 2 squad will be in action tonight as they take on Sway Gaming in CEVO-P Week 7-1 on cp_well. The last time compLexity went against Sway Gaming was back in week 2-1 on cp_freight where we lost 3-5. In a most recetent match, coL went against Sway in the ESEA-o tournament last week on cp_gravelpit where coL won 2-1. Sway Gaming is currently ranked #2 in CEVO-P while compLexity is ranked #3. Sway Gaming is a very good team and many of us are looking foward to a great match. The match time is at 10 PM EST. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!

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