Player list released for MLG DC

MLG D.C is just under 2 weeks away and some of the best SC2 players in the world will be in attendance. The event is taking place from October 15-17th at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center.

Below is the full list of players attending.

Registered Players

LiquidHuK EG.iNkA KingSpades
Kiwikaki LiquidTyler LiquidRet
ajtls AlexCMoi Nayr.
CauthonLuck BackpackSC2 nesh.650
dignitas.SelecT Bluewolf. Newsh
TTOne BuddhistSC Nokarot
qxc cava OmniscientSC2
Nadagast CheeseGrater_525 orb
SLush dapz24 powerfullone1773
drewbie drewwarren ryanrushia
EG.iNcontrol EG.IdrA Sadistx
coL.Silver EG.Machine sctipton
Masq Fayth ShaggySan
Agh fograw systemkaos
ThisIsJimmy FoolyMlg Talbadar
avilo GxZ Taurent
EG.LZGaMeR hmp12345 TorcH
Gretorp imakeroaches UNC.Qiufeng
PainUser ItsYoungLee UNC-oRe.saMa
CatZ jeremiahthebullfrog White-Ra
Time KawaiiRice wonkman

Stay tuned to as we will be on scene bringing you coverage all weekend from MLG DC!
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