
Do you ever get tired of having to alt+tab out of game when you want to look at a web page or chat on AIM, MSN, etc?

I know I do. With that in mind I set out to try to find a solution. I thought surely there must be some sort of resolution to this and sure enough there was a product I found called Playxpert. When I found this I immediately downloaded it and I must say I am in love and I saw so many possibilities for what it can do and also what I could do with it to benefit the Complexity and Noobflicks communities. I got on a phone call with the founder of their company today and he began to tell me about the different widgets that have been developed and are currently in development. The possibilities are endless. Think about making Skype calls in game or uploading or watching your favorite video to Noobflicks or even watching an IRC scorebot of a Complexity CS match all while fragging.

So what is Playxpert? Basically it is a widget bar that floats inside your PC game. So when you have some down time you can open a web browser, chat on AIM, use the Wowhead widget, chat on IRC, listen to Pandora, listen Itunes or Winamp, view the Wow Armory, view RSS feeds.... I think you get the picture. The possibilities are endless for what could be incorporated for use within the game environment. After playing around with it for a few days I have not found anything that I dont like about it. It is non-intrusive and it functions as advertised. It has forever erased my need to alt+tab. Below is what Playxpert has to say about their product and some screenshots of it in action.

In-Game Freedom

Alt-Tab is a thing of the past. PLAYXPERT is the next-generation in-game community management toolset developed for PC-based and MMO games. Built around a completely unique in-game overlay technology, PLAYXPERT brings the tools that you use into the games that you play.

Universal Overlay with PLAYXPERT True OverlayTM

PLAYXPERT is no ordinary in-game overlay. It’s the first of its kind to offer configurable semi-transparent overlay without impacting frame rates. True Overlay is unique because it provides integration at the kernel level of your operating system, so it supports virtually ANY game, doesn't 'break' each time a game is updated and is optimized at the hardware level of your GPU. This is totally unique from any other mechanism of overlay on the market today. While other point tools use the shared memory of your game and hijack DirectX, True Overlay doesn't compete for game resources, and it will not be detected as a hack tool. You’ll never miss a frame of the game with PLAYXPERT.

Customize & Extend

PLAYXPERT doesn’t make you choose between technology and the tools that your established communities use. It delivers your tools in-game in a configurable, extendable way. The system is designed to maximize compatibility with the tools already in use by gamers.

Unlike other in-game tools, PLAYXPERT leaves room for expansion. The core of this extensibility is found in its widget architecture. If the widget you need isn’t available, you can build it and make it available to the community. Development is open to anyone. With these tools, any game community can personalize the look and function of PLAYXPERT. No other in-game tool offers this degree of customization and extensibility.

Next Generation Ready

The PLAYXPERT client is delivered in-game by a seamless overlay system that natively supports DirectX® 10. This means, not only is there support for current games, but we're prepared for the next generation of games. With its open widget architecture, the features offered by PLAYXPERT can evolve and grow with the gaming space. While other in-game toolsets scramble to be compatible with new games and technology, PLAYXPERT is already leading the way.

Needless to say Complexity and Noobflicks are in talks to do some cool things with this product in the near future. Nothing is set in stone but keep your browsers locked on for more information in the future.

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