POV returns with Savior

The former compLexity cs squad has returned with the name of POV.wp. coL.cs was released a day ago when three members missed their flights to CHINA for the MSI Beat IT tournament.

David "savi0r" Park will be replacing Thomas “thoMz” Garcia. Savior played for the previous compLexity lineup when they originally joined from x3o.

“Replacing Tom isn't something any of us were jumping to do. Even though this isn't a "team" and this isn't a "roster change," Tom gave us little to no space to work with when making this decision. We knew we had to look elsewhere as things would always be a little off due to this unfortunate turn of events. With that said, it is what it is and we're past that for the most part and we're all looking forward to the upcoming events instead of dwelling on the past.” - Derek "dboorN" Boorn

This brings the POV roster to:

Derek "dboorN" Boorn
Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman
Kevin "aZn" Wang
David "savi0r" Park
Jeff "HerotowN" Mettetel

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