Puretrak/Fame Last Man Standing


Congratulations to Archie and rec0n, the winners of the Puretrak/Fame Last Man Standing event! Archie won the first LMS, but after a strong outpour for another, an impromptu LMS was also held.

Archie - Wins a coL Pad
rec0n - Wins a coL Hat


Tomorrow, the Syndicate, in cooperation with Puretrak and Fame Servers, will be holding a Last-Man-Standing contest where the winner will receive the new coL Pad from PureTrak. The LMS will be held on a 32 player server by Fame. Below are the details of the event.

Prize: Last man standing receives one (1) coL Pad
Time & Date: 9:30PM EST on Wednesday, December 30
Server info: TBA


After the admins are in place (in spectator mode), everyone will be assigned $16,000 and the round time will be set to it's highest possible setting.

Now, this is where the fun starts. The admins will then start the tournament by executing a script which will restart the round 3 times. On the 3rd restart, everything will be live. At that point, each side battles each other to try and eliminate as many people as you can without getting killed yourself.

Now, as this is a LAST MAN STANDING tournament, once you die, you will be KICKED from the server. This process will be repeated until there is only 1 person left standing in the server.

The breakdown:

-30 players (15 vs 15)
-Everyone starts with $16,000
-Round time set to 10 minutes
-Objectives do not count
-All guns enabled

How to play

Wednesday evening (9:30PM EST) we're going to post the name of a coL Staffer via the compLexity Twitter. The first 30 people to messa
ge that staffer in #compLexity will get the server information.

Also as part of our last LMS for 2009, PureTrak has decided to run a special on the coL pad! The pad will be 30 percent off for the next 7 days! Kick your new year off right with the gaming surface used by the coL pros. Just use coupon code PYNLZ30

Be sure to stop by PureTrak to check out the hottest new mousepads in eSports!

compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and (LMS!) entertainment!

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