Quake Live Goes Open Beta

id Software's highly anticipated Quake Live is scheduled to move out of closed beta and into open beta this coming Tuesday. For the better part of 2008 and on to 2009, Quake Live has been in a closed beta sequence but is now ready to be unvieled to the world in open beta.

A post taken from a represenative at the Quake Live forums stated the following:

"First, we want to thank everyone who has been playing, testing, providing feedback, inviting friends and hopefully enjoying the QUAKE LIVE closed beta.We've grown considerably over the past 6 months and are now excited to announce that we're opening QUAKE LIVE to the general public as an open beta the evening of Tuesday, February 24th. On Monday morning (U.S. central time) we'll be taking beta.quakelive.com down for about 36 hours and then opening to the public at www.quakelive.com on Tuesday evening."

For all current beta accouts, any account that has been unused in the past 28 days will be deleted and all player statistics for active accounts will be wiped. Current developer notes with details on new features as well as game summary and other information will be available during open beta.

Source: SK-Gaming

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