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SK Gaming has released a World Wide QuakeLive ranking similar to the system that tracks World of Warcraft. The system works on the ELO method, which calculates the relative skill levels of players and give points based on that.
SK Gaming's first release will include duels only. They will then be adding other game types like DM, TDM, CTF and CA later on.
Current top 5
1. 'smoke_' 135 - 7 (95%)
2. Shane 'rapha' Hendrixson 82 - 14 (85%)
3. Aaron 'HELL' Anton John Jones 90 - 2 (98%)
4. Tim 'DaHanG' Fogarty 174 - 37 (82%)
5. Alessandro 'stermy' Avallone 54 - 3 (95%)
Source: SK Gaming