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Recently we were contacted by a team that goes by the name of Evil Mouse. They told us about how RAK has inspired them and how they have chosen to donate a portion of their future LAN winnings to charity organizations. The last RAK post we did contained information about the Gamers for Giving event that would be donating to various organizations. Evil Mouse has informed us that they have chosen to donate 50% of their winnings from the next three LAN events to The United Way; one of these events is the Gamers for Giving. The team will also be attending LANapalooza and has high expectations in placing at both events. Below is a snippet from Daniel Camacho, Owner and Founder of Evil Mouse about his team and their plans to donate.
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Daniel Camacho Owner and Founder of Evil Mouse. Evil Mouse was established in January 2008 under the name of Proclivity as a small Tri-State area LAN team. Proclivity eventually evolved into what now today is Evil Mouse, 4 members of the original Team Proclivity moved on into Evil Mouse in the Fall 2008 after a year of hard team practicing and boot camping they entered CEVO s10 for 1.6 and CAL s13 for CSS. The line up features four original members of Proclivity with the addition of two new faces. The new team has been playing together for the past 5 months and has mad great improvement towards the team work they need to compete and succeed in LAN competition. Evil Mouse is unique and heading on our way to what I believe the first team to compete and succeed in both 1.6 and CSS at the same time, following behind what L.A. Complexity did for a brief while.
Enough about the team now let me lead you to what you are here to read. Evil Mouse is well on there way in CEVO and CAL, but not only in these online leagues are real teams proven. Evil Mouse will be attending the LAN Event known as Gamers For Giving a chartible 300 Man LAN Party in its second consecutive year. The LAN party host its major 5v5 CSS LAN tournament of the year during this time, currently 1st Place prize money sits at $1250.00, and increasing as more teams sign up. With the feeling of success on the horizon for Evil Mouse after a hard year of constant bootcamping and preparing for these up coming seasons and LAN events Evil Mouse is confident in placing at our next two LAN events, Gamers For Giving and LANapalooza. We would like to join your efforts behind Random Acts of Kindness(RAK) and the Complexity Organization and donate 10% or 15% to a charity such as Childrens Cancer Research Fund or United Way . Those would be our two charities of choice, we are not limited to those specific if you know or feel there is a better one we are open to donating to that organization.
To show our compliance with RAK we will be placing the RAK and embriod Random Acts Of Kindness, to our jerseys, sweatshirts, and hats that we attire our selves in on LAN.
We would like to extend our thanks to Evil Mouse with their selfless donations to different charities and for taking up the RAK way. Good luck in your events guys!