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After a solid showing at Arbalet Dallas in which the TAU CS team was able to make it to the second group stage, has discovered that they may no longer be with the TAU organization. We have discovered that Blight owner BlackFoger has joined the TAU ESEA roster after paying for their league fees.
We have also discovered that the TAU team has expressed their dissatisfaction with the way the TAU organization has handled the team. At this current time, the TAU organization appears to lack the sponsorship support and the financial backing needed to harbor a top US team.
With this discovery, we expect to see an organization swap for the current TAU.cs to Blight.cs, which also brings up questions from the past in regards to Blight's lack of promised payment to their teams.
The former TAU administration had this to say:
First there are 2 parts to this news piece, both will be short and sweet.
The first thing I would like to address is that, yes I was the one who made the post in response to the TAU dissatisfaction with their management. What happened in the article did happen, however the article was written at the time out of anger because both myself and one of the players were going back and forth arguing. I thought that he was the one who made the public post about how bad the management was. Well in all actuality come to find out that it was their new "management" (Blight) that had made the comment about it. So for that I apologize for making harsh personal attacks on you Tyler. I do not like to admit it because of the type of personality I have, but I understand it shouldn't have gotten to that level of public viewing and it should have been just simply squashed between us. So once again I apologize, it was immature and I was writing out of the anger at time. Also, apparently in the article I was writing about how we gave the team things for free, which is true we did. However, one thing after going back and reading I noticed myself. Is that I stated we paid for "league fee's". Now what I meant to say by this was, that we paid for an ESEA fee so that they could practice pre-Arbalet. So I understand why Josh had gotten upset at that. Which is perfectly understandable, being how Josh is the one that paid for actual "league fee's, food, lan fee's". So to you Josh, I apologize for the way that I wrote that piece of the article, I understand that you paid for all those expenses, and I do not want you to think I was trying to take that from you.
Alright, let's move onto the second piece of this article.
For those of you who do not know TAU has been picked up under the Finesse Organization. Which personally if you ask me, is a million to one times better than going to blight. I am happy they are able to have a secure sponsorship now, and hopefully be able to travel to events outside of Texas. Finesse has also picked up Spencer "hiko" Martin for their starting 5. Which in my personal thoughts, is a very good pickup. Now I know many of you were hesitant with how things were going when Finesse lost to Hausen 16-5 on nuke. In my personal views, it seemed that Finesse was feeling a little hesitant to be aggressive in situations that they are normally aggressive or confident in. However that all changed come the next match against HRG on nuke. For those of you who watched it, it seemed like it was going to be another blowout from the other team when Finesse went 4-11 on terrorist side. Well, if you were watching and have followed most of the players of Finesse or even played with them. From my point of view it seemed that there was one round when all hell broke loose and it was the real Finesse coming out. Which was awesome to see, literally they came back to win the game 19-15. So it was really awesome to see the guys playing like they normally do, I am confident they are going to do very well this season.
Well I hope this article cleared things up, no hard feelings amongst anyone. I am still a strong supporter of TAU and I look forward, along with the rest of the community of Finesse(TAU) supporters, to seeing you guys progress with your new starting 5.
Best of luck coolahaNx, punkvillE, TMN, HRGRVE(Anabolic_st), hiko.
sinysteR_st will continue to investigate this possible transaction and provide an update as soon as possible.