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Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad took on Evil Geniuses in the ESEA-I semi-finals bracket on cp_gravelpit. Tonights match is based on a bo3 (best of 3). compLexity was on the BLU team and EG was on the RED team. During the first round, coL captured A quickly. Several minutes later after EG holding up a good defensive line at B, coL was able to cap B after a successful uber setting the time 5:04. A few minutes later coL was able to capture C and setting the final time 9:23 for EG to beat. As the next round came into play, EG captured A quickly and began the count down of the stopwatch. As the stopwatch was coming to an end EG was able to capture B in time but unfornantly, EG did not have enough time to capture C The first set ended as compLexity recieved the first point in the game 1-0.
As the second set started both teams switched sides and EG was on BLU while coL was on RED. As the round started EG captured A in about one minute. After several minutes, of trying to break compLexity's strong defensive line at B, EG was able to capture B and C in 6:41. As the next round came into play for compLexity, coL captured A fairly quickly. The second set endesd as EG picked up their first point in the game, making the score 1-1.
We are now in OT and both teams have switched sides. coL captured A in under a minute. After a few minutes coL was able to break EG's defensive line at B and C setting the for EG to beat, 5:43. As the next round started, the stopwatch was counting down farily quickly for EG. EG was able to capture A in about a miunte into the round. With only two minutes left in the round, EG was able to capture B with a successful uber charge. With only 30 seconds left in the rond EG captured C and won the match 2-1. Good game to EG.
ESEA-I season 3 playoffs semi-finals gets underway tonight as the compLexity TF2 squad takes on Evil Geniuses in round 2 of the lower bracket playing on cp_gravelpit. compLexity will be coming into this match after losing to 20ID back in round 2 of the upper bracket 5-2 on cp_granary. On the other hand, EG will be coming into this match after receiving a forfeit win from Loaded back from round 1 on cp_granary. The last time coL and EG went face to face on gravelpit, coL won 2-1 as the match went into over time. The winner of tonights match will advance to the championship round and face 20ID on cp_badlands. Can compLexity defeat EG once again and advance to the final round or could we see the Evil Geniuses organization once again be in a championship finals match? Tonights match will be based on a bo3. The match starts at 11 PM EST. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!