SK Picks up face and kHRYSTAL

Sk-Gaming and H2k Gaming have finally compromised. SK will be signing Johan "face" Klasson and Frej "kHRYSTAL" Sjostrom from H2k. They will replace Zet and Zneel who had recently been let go. Face and kHRYSTAL will just be filling in for SK this weekend at EM Chengdu until the deal is finalized.

face and khrystal are pure talents and fit perfectly into the formation with allen, robban and walle. I have really big hopes for this lineup, and with the right dedication and motivation they will go very far.

- Managing Director of SK-Gaming

SK Roster
Jimmy "allen" Allen
Dennis "walle" Wallenberg
Robert "RobbaN" Dahlstrom
Johan "face" Klasson
Frej "kHRYSTAL" Sjostrom

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