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Azael, a member of Team EG, who also blogs for World of Ming on WoW Riot sat down with our very own Alex ' Sodah' Ringe.
In the interview, Sodah talks about how he thinks compLexity will do in Anahiem and where he sees himself next year in the WoW scene and playing competitively.
Here is a snippet from the interview:
Azael - So, how about you start off by introducing yourself?
Sodah - I am Sodah, priest of Blackrock, also known as Alex, poli sci major at UCSB. I play RMP almost exclusively, as its the funnest comp, and I play with Reckful and Venruki as team compLexity. I also like puppies and CRPGS.
Azael - Do you see yourself continuing to play for the next year competitively? What goals do you want to be able to accomplish before you quit WoW? Would you like to win a tournament or get to Blizzcon before you do, or are you happy with what you accomplished and feel like you could leave anytime satisfied?
Sodah - I don't know if I'm going to be playing next year competitively. However, I have yet to get 1st place at a tournament and that is just downright depressing. It's been snatched from me when I was one round away from winning at Philadelphia, and I don't plan on giving up until I win a major event, like Blizzcon. However, despite this competitive attitude, I always find myself just playing with people I like, and playing compositions which are fun. I never really expected to get championships as druid mage rogue, I just liked getting recognition of being crazy good at my class. I will continue to play for the enjoyment, and I think as long as arenas still give me satisfaction I will still play. How's that for a mixed answer.
You can read the full interview HERE.