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Anyone who follows eSports knows just how quickly StarCraft II is growing. It seems like every week there are tons of mini tournaments hosted by members of the community who put their own money on the line to attract players and viewers alike.
The great thing about these mini tournaments is that they are not too serious. For example, look at the Map of the Month series. This monthly tournament is unique because it doesn't use standard ladder maps, but rather community made maps. This allows players to use unique strategies that may not be viable on the standard maps.
This month's MotM tournament is scheduled for Saturday March 26 and will be broadcasted on iCCupTV. Be sure to tune in and keep an eye out for CompLexity's own Stalife. He is sure to put on a good show, especially after coming off of such great wins in the scReddit Open and Frag for Cancer tournaments.
The bracket for the event will be provided as soon as it is released.