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Alessandro “Stermy” Avallone, a gaming legend and former competitor in the Championship Gaming Series (San Fransisco Optx), has announced his latest gaming initiative, the Ultimate Gaming Championship. The UGC will be held at the Lignano Sabbiadoro at Getur Village and promises to feature five of the most popular games across multiple platforms. Gamers will compete for $30,000 in prizes.
Below is the official release from the UGC.
Alessandro “Stermy” Avallone , the most famous Italian gamer in the world, is pleased to announce “Ultimate Gaming Championship”, the event that all the Italian gamers were waiting for a long time.
Ultimate Gaming Championship
The Ultimate Gaming Championship will take place in Lignano Sabbiadoro at Getur Village, from 31st March to 3rd April 2011, and it will be the event that will mark the return of “professional gaming” in Italy.
Alessandro “Stermy” Avallone, who has been in the limelight for several years as a “pro-gamer”, has decided to call upon his vast experience to deliver the event that Italian gamers truly deserve.
It will be a chance to see the best gamers in the world and, for those people not lucky enough to attend the event, there will be Live HD Streams, both in English and Italian, with the best commentators.
The Professional Tournaments will boast a $30,000 Prizepurse and on top of that there will be a Lan Party BYOC (Bring your own computer) with 1.000 places available.
Initially we are proud to announce official tournaments for the following games: QuakeLive, Starcraft 2 and Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare for PC, Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 and Super StreetFighter 4 for Console. In the coming days we will announce more games and more tournaments!
All the up-to-date information can be found on our website , with different sections where gamers can register to the tournaments and book the hotel. The “Ultimate Gaming Championship” will be present with news and comments even on Twitter and Facebook.
There will be special discounts for people who want to spend nights in the Village and having a good time during the event.
People will also have the chance to book Buses from the main Italian cities such as Rome and Milan that will arrive at our location the day before the event starts.
Getur Village is the perfect location for support this type of event. The village can offer different accommodation facilities and a professional and experienced staff, that organized international sport events several times. Attendees will have the chance to take part and compete without any problem. The venue is just steps away from different hotels and restaurants.
Alessandro affirms: “For several years I’ve taken part to the most important tournaments around the world, and after a long time I’m finally able to launch this project that will give the opportunity to have in Italy a worldwide level tournament. In our country there are several little events, really important for all the Italian gamers but, thanks to the acquaintance and the experience I achieved during these years, this event will be the most spectacular and the most awaited. And little by little it will become important on a international level aswell. I would like to send out the message that video-gaming is a passion that joins together people of different ages and countries. It’s a sport.”
More information about the event can be found by clicking here.