Stream Team Adds BSJ

Today we welcome a new member to the compLexity Stream Team, a fan favorite from the Dota 2 community, Brian ‘BSJ’ Canavan!

We know Dota 2 pubs in North America can be rough, but BSJ perseveres day in and day out, leading his teammates to victory with the power of positive mental attitude. Be sure to tune in for educational gameplay, some dank memes, and as always, be sure to use code ‘BSJ’!

Seriously, use code ‘BSJ’ at LootCaseGG for a 15% deposit bonus! It works everywhere!

Welcome, BSJ!

About BSJ

Brian ‘BSJ’ Canavan is a popular Dota 2 streamer that plays primarily carry heroes. BSJ broke into the scene in 2015 through repeated top performances in NEL, and subsequently became one of Dota 2’s most watched streams. After graduating with a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, BSJ went full-time in Dota as both a streamer and competitor. Tune into BSJ’s stream for awesome positive mental attitude, educational gameplay, and top tier memes.

More Information

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