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Besides competing in the highest levels of eSports, compLexity Gaming is proud to support quality streamers and entertainers on our Stream Team, and we’re excited to announce the newest addition to the compLexity family - Hearthstone streamer Neville “Neviilz” Caruana.
Having previously played for ROOT Gaming, Neviilz rose on Twitch to become one for the most consistent streamers around. A Professional Memer, he reached Rank 1 Legend in July 2016 with his OTK Warrior deck, and followed it up again in September with his OTK Murloc Paladin list.
On his joining, Neviilz has said:
“I stayed as a free agent for 6 months evaluating options, but compLexity just blew the competition away. I have always admired the roster they had in Hearthstone and other huge titles. Really happy about my decision and that now I’m a part of compLexity along with other amazing streamers & incredible players.”
If you’re interested in Hearthstone and memes, make sure to follow him on Twitter @coL_Neviilz, and tune in to Neviilz stream at, where he regularly streams starting at 6:30 AM CEST / 12:30 AM EST / 9:30 PM PST from Tuesday to Sunday.