Study: In-Game Ads Prove Successful

Three years ago, Valve introduced in-game advertisements to CS 1.6 much to the displeasure of the loyal community. Fortunately for gamers, the ads have come and gone and the whole issue has become mute. However, a recent study by EA Games has shown proof that in-game advertisements have the potential to bring in some serious revenue for advertisers.

The study, done by The Nielsen Company, on behalf of EA Games, used a Gatorade ad placed inside six games including NHL 09 and 10, NBA Live 07, 08, and 09, and NBA Street Homecourt. The Gatorade ads were placed on various aspects of in-game scenery and apparel such as billboards, bottles, and arena banners. The study found that the in-game ads "increased household dollars spent on Gatorade by 24 percent."

The Senior Vice President for Communications & Industry Affairs Rich Taylor of the Entertainment Software Association had the following to say:

From the insights we’ve gathered, appropriately placed advertisements in games can improve a title’s aesthetic, profibalitily, and overall playing experience. Our core demographic is 18 to 35 year olds -- which is the sweet spot for anyone looking to reach a new base. Elected officials, nonprofits, Fortune 500 companies are all looking at in-game advertising as a way to reach the highly connected and influential gamer community.

The official press release from EA regarding this study can be found by clicking here.

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