Team Fortress 2 Contribute

Ealier today, the developers over at released a new blog stating that today's TF2 update includes a bunch of new items and weapons, all of which were made by members of the TF2 community and uploaded to the Contribute site.

The overall quality of submissions we're receiving is fantastic, by the way, so there'll be plenty of new additions to follow. The submitters of these items will find nifty unique versions sitting in their backpacks, so they can show everyone their work. This is really exciting for us here at Valve. Starting from our core belief that entertainment products should be services, we've tried to increase the set of ways our community can impact our games, and the ways in which we can reward you for it. From the implementation of features requested by players and mapmakers, to unique community items given to valuable community contributors, to the purchasing and shipping of popular maps, to the ARG-style product announcement of Portal 2, we've tried to include our players in the ongoing challenge of improving our games and their communities.

This update represents the next step in that process. The line between developers and players is getting very blurry, and we think that's a great thing.

On the other hand, if you think you got the skills to make good TF2 items and avatars for the next update, then submit your designs to the developers over at Valve. All creators will receive credit for their work and you get a unique version to show off in-game!

In exchange for your silence, we are now accepting submissions for fan-designed TF2 items and avatars, immortalizing you in the Team Fortress 2 pantheon forever while keeping our jobs safe. Pending approval, your item will get added to your backpack, and cycled into the random item drops in-game. Blow up stuff using a weapon you created! Kill an enemy, then let him know he died in a hat you designed! Weapons, hats, avatars -- designed by you, used by the entire TF2 community.

For more information on the requirements for the TF2 Style guidelines visit the Tips+Tricks and Contribute pages.

Source: TeamFortress

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