ESWC Bank Guarantee

ESWC has just announced they have guaranteed over $213,500 in prize money via the bank and a law firm. After pressure from G7, many wondered if ESWC would make strides towards redeeming their name. With this announcement, a huge stride has been made for the organization and the gaming community. Below is the official release:

Toulouse, France – March 18, 2010
Since in the past years, several organisation managing video games events collapsed, esports community and partners seems worried to see a new company handling the ESWC brand. In order to provide to anybody a maximum of insurance about that 2010 cash prizes will be paid by Games-Solution, the new ESWC organisation, a bank guarantee has been set. Total amount of the $213,500 prizes has been secured under a bank guaranty this week. This money is set to be exclusively delivered to the ESWC 2010 champions and nobody else.This permit to be sure about the prizes for the event but also permit to announce that ESWC 2010 cash prizes will be paid immediately after the event. The international lawyer firm Fidal group will be able to deliver an official certification of the bank guaranty to any body interested to inquiry about it.

Anyone that want contact the lawyer firm entitled to deliver this certificate can email the following lawyers in charge to deliver the ESWC 2010 bank guaranty certificate:

  • Yanling Hu -
  • Elizaveta Vasina -
  • Dominique Andrieux -

More information regarding this announcement can be found here

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