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ESEA-I Week 1:2 kicks off tonight and we got some exciting matches that will take place tonight. Just to give you guys a recap of Week 1:1, coL beat EG 5-2, 20ID won 5-2 against Virgin Police, Team Fuyanks won 5-3 against Pure Gaming and pureEsports won 4-3 against Pandemic. Tonight, compLexity is set to take on Team Fuyanks and will once again play on cp_well. Virgin Police will go one on one with pureEposrts, EG will take on Pandemic and 20ID will face Push Gaming in week 1:2 on cp_well as well. After beating EG on Monday 5-2, tonights match could be an easy win for the compLexity TF2 team as they seem to have cp_well on lock down. Stay locked in to the site for all your gaming coverage needs. Enjoy the rest of the matches guys!