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Several days ago, the CPL website was officially released to the public, only a few weeks after the press release from WuLong and New World . The website, which is currently operated by TF2 star and esports journalist, Sam "OPlaid" Lingle features only news and a sign up form at this time, though it has been announced that we can expect more from the site in the near future.
It is important to note that among the list of current staff of the new CPL, which features Ryan Shumacher, Sam Lingle and Hunter Luisi, Scott Valencia is nowhere to be found and has been reported to have nothing to do with the current organization at this time.
The CPL organization has released the following press statement:
One decade ago, the Cyberathlete Professional League decided to feature Counter-Strike as its primary tournament game, and esports was born. Perhaps that's a bit hyperbolic, but there's no denying that the CPL was the vehicle that drove the growth of the esports into an international phenomenon in the western world. CPL was the dream that every player strived for, the one tournament that even the teams from Sweden and Germany and England just had to win. It was a symbol that stood for esports, an example that showed the potential that esports had to captivate fans of gaming everywhere.
You can visit the CPL website by clicking here.