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Written by Earl "TheUltimateGamer" Lovings
(This is an editorial piece. The opinions in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of compLexity Gaming or its parent company.)
Babe Ruth, Walter Payton, and Larry Bird. Just what do all of these athletes have in common? They were all the best players in their time. In this day and age, we have names like Adrian Peterson, Kobe and Lebron, A-Rod, and the list goes on and on from both past and present times. BUT, since the world of esports really doesn’t have too many solid all time greats, its time to break out a debate. Who is the greatest of all time in anything gaming? Big time name dropping ahead. Lets debate ladies and gents.
Now, lets start with one of the most recent shows to crown someone an ultimate gamer. Now, as we all know, WCG:UG was a show that took virtual games and brought them to life in a real time setting. Of course, Robert won the show. So, does that make him one of the greatest of all time thanks to a reality show? No. Reason being is, because it is a game show that could possibly continue to thrive on the SyFy network and bring out more WCG:UG winners. Not only that, how many of us ACTUALLY knew Robert before the show? Sorry Rob, you might be WCG:UG winner, but you cant be crowned one of the greatest of all time just yet. Keep up the great work though, your time will come.
Next up, lets move to a minefield for someone like myself, Counter Strike. Probably one of the biggest debates that this article will have in the comment section. Let’s look at the scene BEFORE the CGS. It was Team 3D, Complexity, and EG that would normally be at the top 3 spots in North America. After the CGS, times have changed. Old Col is now with EG and Team 3D is dead (for now). There are soooooooo many teams that play in the leagues of 1.6 and source that this debate could go on until the end of time. I really cant decide on a winner in this category, but thankfully, that’s where you, the fan, come in.
Another debate comes in the fighting genre, aka my specialty. MASTER could quite possibly be the king in doa, or OffbeatNinja, BlackMamba, or….. shesh this is getting ridiculous. Another person who can be thrown into the ring is Justin Wong. The man holds the top spot in 5, count them, 5 different fighting games. So, he can go down in history as one of gamings best fighting game players of all time with ease. I wish all of the other debates were easier.So, where do I fit into the debate? I call myself TheUltimateGamer and just about the only thing I am known for is writing gaming related articles for various websites. Does that put me into the debate for top in anything gaming related? No. Unless you want to consider me as a top tier journalist in the gaming field, then and only then would I be POSSIBLY considered to walk along the greatest writers such as ReDeYe, JetBlk, peawok, weenus, etc.
So just why do you call yourself Tug, tug? Great question. My definition for my tag is not playing the console/game fanboy. PC, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Ps3, etc., I play them all without holding one console/game higher then the other (although, Legend of Zelda holds a special place in my heart.) I don’t know what your tags stand for, but that’s mine and I am sticking to it.
In a debated article about debates, who really stands at the top as the supreme kings of gaming? Fatal1ty for pc shooters? Djwheat for shout casters? Jason Lake for manager? Complexity for Counter Strike? Swoozie for top gaming related v-loger? No if, ands, or buts, this debate is going to go on for generations to come.