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After 10 years on the platform, we are happy to announce that we will be retiring the @compLexityLIVE Twitter handle in favor of something a bit more direct. Starting today, you can now follow us at @compLexity on Twitter. The channel will continue feature the same great content and match coverage you've come to expect over the last decade, along with exciting new series such as our behind-the-scenes "compLexity: POV" series and game highlight videos!
compLexity's legacy extends back to a time where there was no Youtube, Facebook or Twitter. When we originally joined Twitter it was a very different era. We saw it as a mechanism to send text messages to the phones of our fans if they wanted live score updates. Thus, the name ‘compLexityLIVE.’ That era is obviously long gone and we’re very excited to offer our community a more concise handle moving forward. Thanks to @Twitter for helping us make this happen.
- Jason Lake, Founder & CEO
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