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There are three rules about the WCG Fight Club and one of them is don't forget to watch out for the upcoming blog with Adande "Swoozie" Thorne!
Our friend Swoozie is in New York City to emcee and participate in the DOA4 action. The event, featuring Street Fighter 4, is live all weekend.
Joining Swoozie in DOA are many familiar faces like Perfect Legend, Master, Phoenix, Offbeat Ninja, Vanessa, BlackMamba and NinjaCW.
SF4 has several big names in attendance including Gootecks (organizer of Bar Fights) and Justin Wong.
Saturday is group play action for all the games, followed up by final brackets.
1st- Justin Wong
2nd- NS NS (Savin)
3rd- Nestor Corchado (Nesu)
4th- Joe Ciaramelli (iloveu)
1st- BlackMamba
2nd- NinjaCW
3rd- Offbeat Ninja
4th- Perfect Legend
Stay tuned for all the updates!