WCG Invitational: Eafra


Eafra has placed second at the event and has qualified for Nationals.

Today, Eafra is at the WCG Invitational to qualify for the WCG Grand Finals to be held later on this year. The event is being held in NYC and starts off with group play between the 4 players at the event. The games will move into a playoff round later this afternoon. Below is the group and information for Eafra's melees.

FIFA Group Play


1. Michs
2. Eafra
3. Juanqui
4. KreeganBG

Eafra's Matches

vs Juanqui (1-2, 1-2)
vs KreeganBG (2-1, 2-1)
vs Michs (2-1, 1-2, 7-5)
vs Juanqui (3-0, 1-4, 2-4)

Stay tuned to compLexityGaming.com for coverage of Eafra's progress throughout the day!

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